backer card什么意思?

215 2024-09-12 21:28

一、backer card什么意思?

backer card支持卡backer英 [ˈbækə(r)] 美 [ˈbækɚ] n.支持者,赞助者; (打字机的)垫纸; (赛马等的)赌客网络支持者; 模垫; 背衬复数: backers 双语例句1Technically, CrossOver is not a third party product, as it is the primary financial backer for Wine. CrossOver从技术上来说,CrossOver不是wine的一个第三方产品,而是wine的主要财力支持者。

二、in the main street 和 on the main street?

in the street和on the street的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、意思不同 the street意思:在街道里。 例句: A man had accosted me in the street.  一个男的在街上和我搭讪。 2.on the street意思:在街上的任意一点。 例句: I met her by chance on the street.  我恰巧在街上遇到了她。 二、用法不同 the street用法:in表示在某范围之内,是其中的一部分,表地点时,指在某一立体空间范围内。 2.on the street用法:on表示在某范围之外,两者之间一般互相连接,表地点时,指某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等。 三、侧重点不同 the street侧重点:in the street的意思是在马路上,是指在这条街的区域范围内。 2.on the street侧重点:on the street的意思是在马路边,指在这条街的路面上。

三、on street与at street的用法区别?

"On street" 和 "at street" 都是表示 "在街道上" 的意思,但它们的用法略有不同。

1. "On street" 是指在街道上某一点或特定位置。例如:

- There are no free parking spots on this street.(这条街上没有免费停车位。)

- He was walking on the street when the accident happened.(发生事故时,他正在街上行走。)

2. "At street" 是指在街道附近或街区内。例如:

- The restaurant is located at the corner of 5th Avenue and Main Street.(这家餐厅位于第五大道和主街的拐角处。)

- I live at 123 Elm Street. (我住在榆树街123号。)

总之,"on street" 和 "at street" 之间的差别在于前者强调位置的具体点,而后者则更多地指附近或所在的街区。只要掌握其用法,使用时不会有大问题。


street 英 [striːt]     美 [striːt]    释义: n. 街道;马路;adj. 街道的词语用法n. (名词)1、street的基本意思是“大街,街道,马路”,是城市内街道的总称,也可具体指市内的某一条街,其特点在于路面平整,两边有人行道,人行道之外有建筑物,可缩写为St。2、street有时还可指“在某一街道居住或工作的人们”。street与专有名词连用时须置于其后,该专有名词前不加冠词。3、street在句中可修饰其他名词,作定语。用法和样例:例句用作名词 (n.)1、I met him in the street.我在街上遇到他。2、He stood in a strange street.他站在一条陌生的街道上。3、This street is four times shorter than that one.这条街道比那条短四倍。用作形容词 (adj.)1、I like to buy a street map of the city.我想买一张这个城市的街道地图。扩展资料:近义词的用法avenue 英 ['ævənjuː]     美 ['ævənuː]    释义:n. 林荫道;大街;途径手段词语用法n. (名词)1、avenue在英式英语中指从城市通往郊区的林阴道,尤指乡间通往私人别墅宅门的林阴小路,通常两旁栽有树木; 在美式英语中则指城市中两旁有树或高楼的大街,暗示具有某种雄伟程度,用起来比较随便。2、在美国的一些大城市(比如纽约),通常把南北走向的街称为 avenue,把东西走向的街称为 street。3、作以上两义解时avenue常缩略作Ave.或ave.。avenue引申可表示为“途径,手段”。例句用作名词 (n.)1、He stands on the corner of a wide avenue.他站在宽阔的林荫道的角落里。2、I meet him by chance on Fifth Avenue.我偶然在第大街上遇到他。

五、该怎么理解?up the street. down the street?

都是沿着街道的意思,up the street 是指向市中心的方向 down the street 是指远离市中心的方向




七、the main street名著?

He owns the butcher's in the main street.


The main street was lined with well-wishers.


The main street bisects the town from end to end.


There's a mock-up of the main street where the Goodwins go shopping.


It is next to the main street.




在日常口语和书面语中,我们经常用street来描述一个区域的名称或地址,在这种情况下,它会接上街名,比如Main Street、Fifth Avenue等等。

在另一些情况下,street可能会接上某个特定的地点或建筑物,比如Wall Street、Broadway等等。

此外,street还可以用作形容词,表示某个人或物品很“时髦”的、“城市化”的,比如street fashion、street art等等。总之,street的搭配方式多种多样,需要根据具体的语境来选择适合的表达方式。

九、a long street歌词?

歌名:Street boy


You've been out too long

Street boy

Ain't you got enough sense to go home

Street boy

You're gonna end up alone

You need some love and understanding

Not that dead-end life you're planning

Street boy

You go home but you can't stay

Because something's always pulling you away

Your fast hellos and quick goodbyes

You're just a street boy

With the streetlights in your eyes

You better get yourself together

Look for something better

Street boy

You've been out too long

Street boy

Ain't you got enough sense to go home

Street boy

You're gonna end up alone

You need some love and understanding

Not that dead-end life you're planning

Street boy

Your sister says that every week

You just come home to eat and go to sleep

And you make plans you never keep

Because your mind is always in the streets

You better get yourself together

Look for something better

Street boy

You've been out too long

Street boy

Ain't you got enough sense to go home

Street boy

You're gonna end up alone

You need some love and understanding

Not that dead-end life you're planning

Street boy

There's one last word then I'll conclude

Before you pick up and put on your attitude

Bet you'll never find or ever meet

Any street boy who's ever beat the streets

Street boy

Street boy

Street boy

Street boy

Street boy

Street boy

Sweet boy



1、in the street:马路上,是指在这条街的区域范围内

例句:I have met her in the street. 我已经在街上遇到了她。

2、on the street:是在马路边,指在这条街的路面上。

例句:What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?


1、in the street:用在句尾宾语补足语。

例句:I met him in the street . 我无意中在街上遇见了他。

2、on the street:用在句尾,主语补足语

例句:He nodded to me on the street.



1、in the street:多表示偶然发生、具有突然性

例句:I was walking in the street when I heard someone call me from behind.


2、on the street:多用于约定好的了情况。

例句:I met him on the street.

